purple-colored popcorn balls

Dragon’s Breath Delight and its Popularity

The captivating allure of exhaled smoke paired with delectable taste has propelled the fame of the frosty treat called Dragon’s Breath (DB). Journey with us as we delve into its history, flavor profiles, availability, and much-discussed safety considerations.

Dragon’s Breath & Frosty Nitro Delights: Treats that Bestow Mythical Exhalations

What are DB and nitro-cooled treats? Are they one and the same?

Frosty nitro delights are innovative confections made using airy edibles like popcorn, marshmallows, or cheese bites, drenched in cryogenic coolant. 

Widely shared on social platforms, this treat has earned various nicknames: nitro balls, nitro crisps, snow orbs, and most famously, Dragon’s Breath. When consumed, the icy characteristic of these treats lets consumers breathe out misty clouds, reminiscent of mythical dragons.

Tracing Back to the Roots of Dragon’s Breath

This icy confection first saw light at “minibar” under the culinary expertise of José Andrés in 2008. Post his decision to discontinue it at “The Bazaar” in Los Angeles a year later, the delicacy found its way to Taiwan, Korea, and the Philippines. 

Come 2017, Chocolate Chair in the US secured the trademark for “Dragon’s Breath”, signifying their special version of the frosty cereal bites. Just as the “cronut” term was legally claimed by Dominique Ansel in 2013, necessitating other outlets to devise unique names, so it stands with Dragon Breath.

Palette Experience: What Does It Offer?

Though the cooling agent lends no distinct taste, the frosted cereal variant carries hints of popular cereals like Froot Loops or Cap’n Crunch. Enhancing its flavor, dipping sauces often accompany the treat. Once ingested, it offers a dramatic visual, releasing a thick mist, echoing the imagery of a dragon.

Procuring Dragon’s Breath: Where to Look?

Outlets offering nitro-based ice creams and treats have been swift to introduce nitro-cooled bites. Numerous mall outlets across the nation have added some variant of these frosty delights. However, caution is advised. 

Some establishments, prioritizing quick profit, might compromise on safety measures, especially ensuring no residual coolant in the served dish.

The Safety Query: Can You Relish DB Without Worry?

Absolutely, provided it’s curated and consumed under informed guidelines. Edibles treated with the cryogenic coolant, when done right, pose no health concerns, given its non-toxic nature. It’s the extreme cold that demands attention. 

  • Owing to the Leidenfrost effect, there’s a brief protective gas barrier when the coolant encounters body warmth. Yet, utmost care is needed to ensure all of it has vaporized before consumption. Peter Barham, from the University of Bristol’s School of Physics, emphasizes the need for evaporating all traces of the coolant before it’s served;
  • It’s noteworthy that the regulation around cryogenic coolant in food is still ambiguous. As a result, not every outlet may prioritize staff training on safe handling. Mismanagement has, unfortunately, led to some consumers facing oral and respiratory issues. To address this, in August 2018, the FDA cautioned against consuming items prepared with the coolant at point-of-sale.

Visually, the mist may draw parallels to smoking or vaping. But, in essence, it’s more akin to the mist one exhales on a chilly day, majorly water vapor condensation, and nowhere close to what cigarettes or e-cigarettes produce.

Diving Into the Debate

The sporadic mishandling of Dragon Breath by a few uninformed vendors and patrons has unfairly tainted its reputation. Incidents involving direct contact or its consumption by individuals with specific health conditions, like asthma, have ignited controversies.

This underlines the importance of proper training for servers and comprehensive information for consumers. With appropriate awareness and practices, it remains an innocuous, enjoyable treat.

How to Consume DB Safely and Responsibly?

The mystical and fascinating treat known as Dragon’s Breath, made of puffed snacks soaked in ultra-low temperature liquid nitrogen, can provide a thrilling culinary experience. However, careful handling is paramount, as mishandling might result in discomfort or even injury:

  • Ensuring the Nitrogen Evaporation: Before consuming, one must confirm that all traces of liquid nitrogen have completely evaporated. This leaves only the chilled snack, which, while exceedingly cold, won’t cause serious damage;
  • Gradual Consumption: Just as scalding food requires caution, this cryogenically frozen treat should be enjoyed slowly. A provided stick, not bare hands, should be used to pick it up, and it’s advised to blow on it if the temperature seems too extreme;
  • Sensitivity Considerations: For those with sensitive teeth or dental cavities, it’s best to enjoy the visual fog effect by leaving the treat on the stick, allowing breath to warm it up. Immediate chewing might cause a stinging sensation;
  • Consuming in Small Portions: Eating this frosty delicacy in small amounts allows the mouth to reheat between bites. Rapid or large consumption might lead to discomfort or even pain from excessive cooling;
  • The Dramatic Exhale: To fully appreciate the dragon-like visual effect, it is essential to exhale the vapors completely. Aside from these precautions and ensuring no underlying respiratory issues, the primary concern should be capturing this mythical moment on camera.
Dragon’s Breath dessert

Crafting Dragon’s Breath at Home: A Cautionary Guide

While the novelty of creating DB at home might seem appealing, it’s a task fraught with potential danger due to the inherent risks of handling liquid nitrogen improperly. However, for those experienced in dealing with such extreme substances, a careful procedure can be followed.


  • Special Equipment;
  • Protective gloves;
  • Safety glasses;
  • Large metal bowl;
  • Slotted spoon;
  • Skewers;
  • Main Ingredients;
  • 2-3 cups of liquid nitrogen;
  • 2-3 cups of Korean fruity puff cereal.


  • Place the cereal in a medium metal bowl;
  • While donning protective gloves and eyewear, delicately pour the liquid nitrogen over the cereal, ensuring it’s fully soaked, then wait for complete evaporation;
  • Transfer the treated cereal into cups, being vigilant to ensure no liquid nitrogen remains by using the slotted spoon;
  • Skewer the cereal and savor the taste as you chew gently, exhaling to emulate a dragon’s breath!

Notes and Caution

Only adults experienced in handling such substances should attempt this preparation. The absence of liquid nitrogen in the cereal when served is crucial.

Liquid nitrogen’s extremely low temperature makes it comparable to fire in potential harm. Proper handling ensures a safe culinary experience, akin to using fire for cooking.

Avoidance is strongly advised for those with asthma or breathing-related ailments, as the cold vapor could induce an asthma attack.

Liquid nitrogen, though resembling steamy water, can freeze anything it contacts almost instantly. While the fog is harmless, the actual liquid is perilous due to its intense cold. Extreme care is essential to avoid direct contact or ingestion, treating the substance with the respect and caution it demands. 

Final Thoughts

The world of gastronomy never ceases to surprise, and DB stands as a testament to this innovation, turning a simple treat into an exhilarating experience. This icy marvel, when handled with precision, offers not only a visual spectacle but also an unusual taste sensation. 

However, with its captivating allure comes an underlying need for caution. Ensuring the complete evaporation of liquid nitrogen, understanding the importance of controlled consumption, and being well-versed in safe handling are paramount to enjoying this treat without mishap. 

Just as one would exercise caution with fiery dishes, this cryogenic delicacy demands its own set of precautions. When consumed responsibly, Dragon’s Breath promises an unforgettable fusion of taste, temperature, and theatrics—a culinary adventure for the brave and curious.