The countries with the best food

The cuisines of the world are a whole universe in which discoveries are made every second. Tastes are combined in recipes, and those are combined in national traditions. In every country culinary masterpieces are born. No two dishes are alike.

Online casinos and world cuisine have a lot in common. As with cooking, casino gaming can be a place where traditions are preserved and new ideas are experimented with. Many online casinos offer their players a break from the game and enjoy the culinary masterpieces of the world by offering special sections dedicated to cooking and recipes.


The basis of Italian cuisine is pastry, vegetables, herbs, olive oil, and cheese. Folk traditions are strong: even in restaurants they cook by recipes dating back to the Punic Wars. The country’s calling card is pasta, the exact number of variations of which is impossible to count. The shorter and thicker the pasta, the thicker the sauce.

Pizza, the second most popular Italian dish, is made in special pizzerias – baked in front of visitors. The traditional “margarita” has the colors of the flag: red tomatoes, green basil and mozzarella. There is a “white” pizza, in which tomatoes are not added.


French cuisine makes almost no use of dairy products (with the exception of cheese). The country produces dozens of varieties of goat, cow and sheep milk. Fresh vegetables and fruits are in high demand: artichokes, eggplants, spinach, asparagus, beans. Cereals are hardly eaten by the locals.

The French often cook meat over charcoal or open fire. Fish and seafood dishes take pride of place. During cooking, the use of alcoholic beverages is mandatory in order to give a specific flavour. Also a broth-based sauce is always served with the main course.


Rice, wheat, and vegetables are considered the staple foods. Spices are added to any meal. The most popular spice is curry. Hindus hardly ever eat meat (more than 80% of the population are vegetarians). The food is served on a metal thali tray. In addition, a pitcher of cool water is placed in front of the guests to rinse their hands.

In India, various flatbreads (for example, roti) are popular. They are made from chickpea, rice or barley flour. The dough is covered and left for 30 minutes. The formed flatbread is fried on the hot side on both sides. The popular dish “Pani Puri” consists of tortillas fried in batter and spicy water.


For Spaniards, the freshness of food plays a huge role, so many ingredients have a minimum shelf life. Even everyday meals are often accompanied by the consumption of wine. Beverage is drunk slowly – savoring.

Tapas sandwiches are served both hot and cold. They may be in the form of toasts, sandwiches, or tartlets. The traditional paella resembles an Uzbek pilaf. Rice is considered the main fiddle of the dish. It is cooked according to a specific technology. The choice of broth depends on the additives in the rice. The choice may be meat, fish or vegetables.


The Greeks do not abuse fast food and fatty foods. They use healthy products as much as possible: herbs, homemade cheese, fresh vegetables, seafood. Almost everywhere pour olive oil.

Each meal begins with appetizers for the appetite. Dolmadakya is analogous to traditional stuffed cabbage rolls, an appetizer of rice, minced meat, and grape leaves. Slices of calamari, fried to a golden crust, are also served. The classic cheese appetizer is called “Tirokafteri”. The spicy varieties are chosen for preparation.


The most ancient product in the Mexican diet is corn. The processing process is carefully passed down from generation to generation. Mexican tortillas with stuffing and tamales porridge with sweet or spicy flavor are prepared on the basis of corn flour. The second most popular product is beans, which serve as a base for soups and porridges.

It is impossible to imagine a menu without chili peppers. They are eaten fresh, dried and smoked. Avocados like to be added to first courses, sauces and salads. Topinambur tubers are considered a very healthy and characteristic food for Mexico. Vegetable pear chayote is commonly baked.


An important feature is the association of food and season. Each season has its own set of delicacies. In the fall, for example, carrots for soup are cut into the shape of maple leaves. All food is sorted in small portions. Rice is eaten daily by the Japanese. The national rice dish, onigiri, is a shaped sponge with a filling.

The first step to the advent of sushi was the invention of fermenting fish. The dish is served with wasabi, soy sauce, and pickled ginger. The latter is needed to refresh the sensitivity of the taste buds. Japanese chefs also know thousands of recipes with varieties of seafood. The delicacies are fried, stewed or steamed.


The Chinese eat whatever they can prepare. The assortment of dishes can be conditionally divided according to the territorial region. There is a special attitude towards sweets: the desserts use spices or even vegetables, which shock the Europeans. Traditional Chinese tofu contains soy. Noodles are served both boiled and dried. Any dish should not have sharp color variations.

China is world-famous for its fragrant tea with rosebud, nut or dried fruit additives. The Chinese prefer strong alcohol (for example, rice vodka).


The national cuisine is renowned for its many vegetarian dishes. The locals have a special love for chickpeas, pulses, and seafood. The ration necessarily includes fresh bread, appetizing salads from raw mushrooms and oriental sweets. During the meal, dishes are brought out on large plates and placed in the middle of the table. Soups and sauces are also almost always present. During the day, the Lebanese drink coffee brewed in a special samovar.


Thai cuisine is based on a combination of flavors: sweet is exquisitely intertwined with bitter and salty with sour. Lime juice is an indispensable ingredient. The natural suppliers of flavor are pineapple, mango, and nightshade family plants. Among the main ingredients are chili sauce, coconut milk, and rice.